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Oasis Mental Health Library
Hand-picked Resources for Saskatchewan
Prince Albert & Area Resources
Click on any of the icons below to visit their page:
211 Saskatchewan
Search the 211 Saskatchewan website for community, health and government services. Call, text, or go online to help find and navigate services you need. Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Directory of Mental Health & Addictions Services
Download a convenient listing of Saskatchewan Mental Health & Addictions Services, organized by Community Name
SHA Addictions & Mental Health Services
The Prince Albert Mental Health Center offers mental health assessment, treatment, and consultative services, which can can be accessed by family or self-referral, physician referral, agency or school referral.
Prince Albert Mobile Crisis Unit
Mobile Crisis provides responsive, culturally appropriate services to our clients, by phone or in the community, wherever the client may be. Mobile Crisis is open to all individuals and is a service without fees.
YWCA Prince Albert
YWCA Prince Albert provides shelter, supportive housing, and assistance to marginalized populations to help break the cycle of poverty. They also offer a number of services and programs for newcomers to Canada and newcomers to the Prince Albert region through their Community Connection Centre
Prince Albert Sexual Assault Centre
PASAC works with survivors and those affected by sexual and interpersonal violence and offers a range of counselling, advocacy, and support services. PASAC is open to all individuals and is a service without fees.
Catholic Family Services of Prince Albert
CFSPA's goal is to enhance & strengthen the mental and emotional health of individuals & families. They provide group sessions for children, youth & adults in areas of: anger management, building healthy relationships, co-parenting, and healing from trauma
Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan
MACSI’s Prince Albert Centre offers individual- ized treatment, hope and empowerment through Inpatient Treatment, Stabilization Program, Outpatient Services and community based Field Services for youth and adults.
CMHA Prince Albert Branch
CMHA is a non-profit organization that focuses on reducing stigma regarding mental illnesses. They provide educational workshops for the General Public as a whole, and provide inclusive programming for people coping with mental health issues and illnesses
National and Online Resources
Click on any of the icons below to visit their page:
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French
Alzheimer's Disease
Ways to Help (for friends and family members) ... from the Alzheimer Society of Canada
Hope For Wellness Helpline
The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by phone and online ‘chat’ 24/7. Support also available in Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut
Talk Suicide Canada
Talk Suicide Canada provides nationwide, 24-hour, bilingual support to anyone who is facing suicide.
Online Therapy Unit
Based in Saskatchewan, the Online Therapy Unit offers clinical treatment programs to individuals experiencing mental health difficulties, with a primary focus on depression and anxiety
Wellness Together Canada
Wellness Together Canada is designed to be used on demand. That means you get to choose what you need, when you need it. Services range from basic wellness information, to one-on-one sessions with a counsellor, to community support.
Anxiety Canada
Anxiety Canada's mission is to reduce the barrier of anxiety so you can live the life you want. They offer trusted resources and programs to help people better understand and manage anxiety—and find the relief they need.
Indigenous Mental Health
From Indigenous Services Canada, links to programs and services that support mental health in Indigenous communities
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Whether you need help defining a condition like depression or you want to read up on a subject like youth and prescription painkillers, this is a great resource.
Coping with Bipolar Disorder
From Australia, the Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) in Australia offers a Bipolar Disorder workbook: Keeping Your Balance
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
What is PTSD? Who develops PTSD? What are the symptoms? What can you do? Some information from the National Institute of Mental Health